Parfums pour une vie ésotérique.

For as far as I can remember, I have struggled to find my place in the world. I think most of us do. I am certain that my heritage has played a part, but also know that many others feel the same way.

Recently I was asked—if I could speak to a younger me, what would I say. ‘Don’t fight your nature, embrace it’, was my immediate response. I feel now it is better to embrace your true nature, with all its complexities, layers and contradictions, than conform out of fear.

Maison Shehu was born from a need to build a more sacred life. One that embodies the principles, sensibilities, loves, desires and choices that I, as a woman, experience every day.

Maison Shehu is my way of sharing all this, and much more, with you. I will begin with a perfume, Huit Étoiles, because so many among you have asked for it.

This is my invitation; I hope you will join me.